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Always lead with integrity. Never lead alone.

This is the podcast for leaders and those who should be leading. It’s a powerful gathering of people of influence in the areas of business, community and faith.


The Easy Way? Or The Hard Way?

If you were to take all of the leadership books ever written on the topic of running an organization or a business, you could sum them up into one simple question.  That question? "Are you going to do this the EASY WAY...or the HARD WAY?" In this day of hacks,...

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The Hidden Treasure Of Leadership And Life

The pursuit of leadership glory comes with many twists and bends in the road. Sadly, so many arrive at the destination and say, "Is this it?" Much of this disappointment is due to the fact they realize they were seeking out the wrong treasure. Then, as if it's dust in...

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It’s All About Relationships

If your business is struggling...99% of the time it will come down to've got a people problem. DISCONNECTED. OUT OF TOUCH. You started a business to fill your needs...rather than the needs of the people you're supposed to be serving. Relationships are the...

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Dealing With Frustration

The experience of being an entrepreneur who created something out of nothing and then ultimately climbed the highest mountain of their's such a great feeling.'s also...SO FRUSTRATING. And, having to manage all of this frustration? It just makes...

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Perfect Timing In Leadership

Whether you're a jazz musician, a ballet dancer or even a've got to have to perfect timing. The same is true with leadership. The most skilled leaders have perfect timing. This is not a topic you hear discussed in too many business circles, but it may...

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Telling The Truth

Most leaders lie on occasion. Some tell little lies. Some tell medium lies. And, there are those who frequently tell Big Whoppers. But, there’s a better way.

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Beating The Clock

There is one principle in business that always rings true...and it rings like a gong. That is, you're always going to have competition. And, in business there is a competitor we all share in common...and it's a fierce opponent. In just about all cases it's our most...

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Earning The Trust Of Your People

Here is the truth when it comes to being an entrepreneur or an organizational founder. Capital matters. But there is something that matters even more. Yes...if you've got the money to invest in your'll have a shorter path and easier ride to where you're...

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Finding Freedom As An Entrepreneur

Most entrepreneurs are NOT free. Many of them have constructed an elaborate prison of their own making. Sadly, in many cases, this prison of their business is not only for them, but for their family as well.  You can see this written on the faces of so many...

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Two Are Gathered Leadership Academy